How did you two meet?
Jill: “Dean and I ran in the same circle of friends for a few years before we actually met. I think it had a lot to do with God’s perfect timing and allowing us both the space we needed to mature in our relationship with Him. We eventually ended up meeting through mutual friends in the summer of 2013. He was living with the older brother of my former roommate. We were friends for a while before we decided we wanted to date exclusively. At the time, Dean and I both had jobs that required long hours and a lot of traveling, so being friends first laid a strong foundation for our relationship that I will always be grateful for.”
Do either of you remember what you thought the first time y’all saw/met each other?
Jill: “I remember immediately being drawn to something about Dean. He had this sense of confidence mixed with humility that I still find very attractive. He was (and still is) always the person that people were genuinely happy to be around, and that was a trait I was looking for.”
Dean: I remember getting butterflies in my stomach. I’m kind of a shy guy, and I was really nervous around her at first. Her blue eyes pretty much melted me. She has the sweetest voice I’ve ever heard, and I was instantly hooked.”
How and when did Dean propose?
Jill: “Dean and I had been together for roughly a year before we decided to take some time apart. When we got back together in January of 2015, I knew in my heart that he was the person God had intended for me. The topic of marriage was something we talked about and tossed around for a few months, but with Dean living in Georgia, I knew get engaged wasn’t going to happen any time soon. Fast-forward to July of 2015-- my aunt and cousins were visiting with us from France. Mom and I had this whole weekend of fun activities planned with things like a Biscuits game, fireworks, swimming and the zoo! We had such a great time visiting with family that when it came time to go to the zoo on Sunday, I wasn’t expecting a thing, especially since Dean and I really enjoy going to zoos and aquariums whenever we are visiting new places. I remember walking up to the bear exhibit and seeing a huge “Will You Marry Me?” banner. I think I even commented saying something like, “Oh, look! Someone must have gotten engaged last night!” I never even noticed that my family had stopped a few feet back. After the proposal, we were ecstatically greeted by both of our families. He had arranged for his family to be there waiting for us behind some bushes taking pictures and videos the entire time! Knowing that he planned the whole thing and tailored it to fit us so well, truly meant the world to me.”

What are some of the things y’all like to do together?
Jill: “Anything and everything! Dean and I have spent the majority of our relationship in different cities so we are really just enjoying being able to do things together. We enjoy working out, cooking dinner, trips to the beach, and spending time with our family and friends. Dean has always been a huge sports fan, so I see a lot of baseball and college football weekends in my future!”
Jill – what’s one of the things you admire most about Dean?
Jill: “This is probably the hardest one to answer. There are so many things that I admire and love about my husband. We are true opposites in a lot of ways, but I think it is a perfect balance. The things I most admire would have to be his kind, sensitive soul, and his ability to show an extraordinary amount of patience. He is able to remain calm and steady through life’s storms and is the most loyal friend you will ever meet. I am truly blessed to spend my life with a man who shows the love of Jesus in everything he does.”
Dean – what’s one of the things you admire most about Jill?
Dean: “The thing I admire most about Jill is her strong will. When she sets her mind to do something, it doesn’t matter how hard it may be or what obstacles are put in her way. She gives her all at everything she does whether it be her faith, family or work. I admire so many things about her, and I know I’m a lucky man to have someone like her in my life.”
What was each of yall’s favorite part of the big day?
Jill: "The day was filled with so many amazing moments that it’s hard to pick just one! Since Dean and I decided to wait to see each other until the ceremony, my favorite part of the day would have to be finally laying eyes on him. I was so nervous to be in front of everyone, but when Dean took my hand, and we began to say our vows, it felt like we were the only ones out there. I have never felt more proud or excited as I was when we walked back up the aisle as husband and wife."
Dean: "Taking pictures with our awesome photographer... Seriously though, the best part for me was seeing her walk down the aisle. I got pretty emotional but it was the happiest day of my life. It was great to have so many of our family members and friends there to celebrate with us."